Is it possible to create a presentation with only one slide, one message and three seconds to transfer this message and achieve a huge impact?
This would make business meetings, TED-talks and even elevator pitches so much more efficient. The idea started to develop in my head until I came to notice it is there all the time. For many many years!
The ultimate one-slide presentation is…. A PRINTED ADVERTISEMENT!!
After the initial disappointment of not discovering the holy grail of presentation I started searching the web looking for the strongest ads telling the most beautiful stories, ads creating massive impact or ads that ‘just work’. The beauty of class-leading ads lies in it’s simplicity: one visual that expresses it all. One line of text that not only explains the message but also plants a seed in your brain. And then there is that magical combination of the visual and the supportive text line that mirrors the brands story, its beliefs, its past and future at the same time.
Dear presenters and presentation designers,
I’ve selected some of my favorite ads. My favorite one-slide presentations:
(Image sources / ad information via